‘Somewhere to turn’ for children and young adults with rare diseases. Support us today by donating here.


What will happen after I submit my application?

If you are eligible and have successfully submitted all documentation required, your application will be reviewed by our Medical Health Advisory Committee and the Grants Committee.

A request for additional information may be required to ensure adequate evidence is provided, to determine eligibility and assess the request suitability and goals achievable with the grant.

The Foundation will notify applicants if their grant application has been successful, and you will need to then:

a. Complete the “Successful Applicant Agreement” and “Media Consent Form”, which we will email to you;

b. Provide a current photograph of the applicant; and

c. Provide an invoice for the item/service made out to the Steve Waugh Foundation so we can pay the supplier directly. 

This is aimed to be completed within 12 weeks for each of the three Grant Rounds per year.

Successful applicants will have 12 months from the date of grant approval to ensure funding is allocated in full. Special consideration can be provided by the Steve Waugh Foundation in circumstances where this time frame cannot be met.

If I do not qualify for funding can the Foundation help me get funding from other organisations? 

We review every application received and aim to help as many of the children/young people and their families that apply to our Foundation as possible, but are unable to provide support planning services such as applications to other organisations for funding. This is a service that some access via the National Disability Insurance Scheme (www.ndis.gov.au).

What should I do if my situation is an emergency? 

The Foundation is committed to doing what we can for those with the rarest diseases and who are in need of help. However, we are not a crisis management service so cannot offer support in an emergency situation, nor outside of Grant Round dates.

What don't you fund? 

There are items and services the Foundation is unable to provide financial assistance. Please visit our 'Grant Guidelines' page to find out more.

I need help to complete the application, what should I do?

  • Read the Grant Guidelines carefully;

  • Contact your Paediatrician or other Medical Specialist for help;

  • Ask a Social Worker, friend or relative to help you; or

  • If there is no one to assist you, please contact the Foundation for help.